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The last partners meeting in the beautiful Greece! 

    On 25 September 2024, the final meeting of the ‘Youth-R.E.C.’ project, co-funded by the European Union’s Erasmus+ programme, took place in Thessaloniki, Greece. 

    The consortium, hosted by the Greek partner EDUACT, met to discuss important topics: first of all, the project’s International Film Festival, which was unanimously considered successful, especially for the young audience present. Secondly, the partners discussed the last steps to be taken before the project closes on 31 October. 

    The consortium, consisting of partners from Italy, Austria, Bulgaria, Ireland, Greece, Romania and Spain, discussed not only these topics, but also had the opportunity to exchange important considerations on what has been done so far, in the hope of being able to replicate it. 

    Youth-R.E.C. is a project whose purpose is to give young people (protagonists of the action) a new tool, innovative and multimedia, to be able to make their voice heard on issues of civic engagement: the video documentary! The young people have been so committed to achieving important goals (such as the screening of their short films on civic engagement issues at the international festival in Thessaloniki) and the consortium could not be more satisfied than it has been up to now. 

    Although the project is in its final stages, the official social networks (FacebookInstagram and YouTube) are inexhaustible resources of news and information!

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