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Rezultate principale:

  1. Manual de film, povestire și design grafic: alcătuit din cele mai bune practici și cunoștințe dobândite prin diferitele ateliere.
  2. 49 de ateliere organizate în 7 țări: fiecare partener va desfășura 7 ateliere în țările lor respective.
  3. 49 de filme produse de tineri: fiecare partener se va asigura că tinerii din țara lor produc 7 videoclipuri/filme legate de problemele, frustrările sau cerințele lor.
  4. 1 campanie pentru fiecare videoclip, care crește gradul de conștientizare cu privire la problemele, frustrările și cerințele tinerilor.

Youth-REC Manual

The Youth-REC Manual is a comprehensive and empowering guide designed for youth workers seeking to engage young people in civic society, politics, and democracy using innovative methodologies. Developed by the Youth-REC project cooperation partnership, this manual represents a collective effort from esteemed partners specializing in Storytelling, Filmmaking, and Graphic Design.

At its core, the manual serves as a practical resource, gathering essential research, best practices, and step-by-step guidance to support youth workers in implementing workshops centered around the three dynamic methodologies. Through the seamless integration of Storytelling, Filmmaking, and Graphic Design, the manual aims to revolutionize youth work, fostering active citizenship and participation among young individuals. The manual’s content is based on a solid theoretical framework derived from the collaborative research efforts of partners, each contributing their expertise in their respective fields. By using these methodologies, youth workers can create powerful workshops that resonate with young people, inspiring them to become more involved in their communities and take part in shaping the future.

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